Our Annual Young Legends Ball honors Connecticut high school seniors who have:
1) made a commitment to obtain a post-secondary degree directly after high school
2) have created a pathway for themselves where they are leaders and the community can see that they will be an influential leader in the future
3) who have overcome various trials and tribulations but understands that achieving “higher heights” is the only way they will be successful.

GOAL 2025
Our goal through our initiative The Connecticut College Access and Advising Network(CCAN) is to increase the percentage of Connecticut residents with degrees or post-secondary certificates to 60 percent by the year 2025. In order for Connecticut to reach Goal 2025, CCAN employs a number of strategies including supporting the creation, and sustainability of high-quality, community based college access strategic alliances. CCAN also advocates for policy reform that lowers the barriers to college for students, sponsors a number of statewide initiatives focused on increasing college access, delivers professional development to train college access professionals to be highly qualified and effective college advisers, and strengthens like-minded and mission-aligned statewide college access and success initiatives.